Factory Built Housing Industry

Lessons from Bags of candy for Manufactured Housing

The following is based on a true story.  The study this account describes was done back in the days of overcrowded classrooms.  It describes elementary school age youth, and I was a kid myself when I heard this report. That means it was done “a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”. Here is the story followed by it’s life lesson for manufactured housing professionals.

A classroom of some forty children was given a bag full of candy.  They couldn’t open the candy up until the teacher and the study leader gave them the okay.  With great anticipation, back in the day when a bag full of candy was not so common  and thus quite a treat, the children awaited their instructions.

‘Class, we are going to make each of you a deal.  You have sitting on your desk a bag full of candy.  You can have that candy today if you wish.  Or, if you agree to skip the candy today, and wait until tomorrow at this same time, we will give you two bags full of candy instead of the one sitting in front of you.’ The students were asked if they understood the instructions and the offer.  One bag today, right now, or a second bag full if they waited until tomorrow.

What did they do?

Two of the forty some children went for the one day delay to get the second bag of candy.  Two out of forty, or roughly 5% of the class.  The others went for less, happy to accept what was in front of them rather than get double the result.  Now to a child, tomorrow may seem like a long time off.  But how often do we adults do similarly?

The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.

~ Thomas Merton

A professional friend of mine reminded me this past weekend about a Ross Perot vintage bit of wisdom.  It went something like this, ‘Too many corporations are thinking ten minutes to ten days ahead, instead of planning ten years ahead.’

Back in 1998 manufactured housing sales reached over 372,000 shipments nationally.  In some parts of the country, manufactured housing sales reached 1/3 of all new housing starts.  Things had never been better in decades for the Industry.  Too many businesses took the ten minutes to ten days ahead approach.  Too many failed to look ahead at the consequences of ‘burning a lender’ in one form or another, too many lenders (knowing what was going on) turned a blind eye to common sense, and too many customers were given less than stellar treatment.  We could have owned the future of housing then.  But instead of planning ten years ahead and doubling the manufactured housing business again, too many took the bag of candy sitting in front of them…

Are you ready to double your business?  Get involved in the various calls to action by MHI and MHARR reported on the Industry Voices Guest Blog.  Invest in yourself, your firm’s image, marketing and people daily.  Do what is right today, and every day.  Don’t give yourself an excuse, or wait for someone else to do it for you.  Then you’ll end up having two bags of candy on your desk tomorrow. # #

L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management

(Outsourcing, Consulting, Coaching & Publishing)

tony@mhmsm.com – 847-730-3692, cell 832-689-1729

It’s About Time

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. The clock of time stops for no one. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

It’s about Time. How will you use your time? The next 60 seconds? The next hour?  The next day, week, month or year? Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

Its_About time_tourist_on_earth_2010-03-14_1336
It's About Time - graphic by Tony Kovach, photo courtesy of tourist on earth

The woman in the photo is about to give birth.  She is in labor.  She is in pain.  The man holds the Clock of Time with a look that says so much.  Anticipation, concern, joy…much more.  The image gives one a Sense of Urgency.   It reminds us to Act swiftly with Good Purpose.

Our MH INdustry is in labor too.  As with any labor of new birth, we are in pain, as perhaps many industry readers and their enterprises are today.  There is a Sense of Urgency.  A new birth is both a crisis and an opportunity for a new start, a new life!

We could, of course, delay what must be done.  We could just let this new life die.   We could use some Excuses.  We could be react with fear. We could overlook the power that could readily change our image and our professional world. Out of some misguided fear or the paralysis of over analysis, we could wait too long, and the new birth that could be will instead be a death.  So with it, could die what could well be our bright new future.

Or we could embrace this new birth.  We could embrace the changes that have brought you here in the first place.  It is precisely new methods, new out-reaches and new approaches that have caused you to be here.  Think about it!

It’s about Time.  It’s about a new beginning.  While we’ve watched our industry shipments fall, did you realize that our market share for factory-built housing out of all new housing starts has risen? It has! HUD Code and modular have risen from about 5% market share some 3 years ago to about 20% market share today.

The best of the old, combined with the best of the new.  They can position us for a new birth that can lead factory built housing into the brightest possible future!

It’s about Time.  Time is the measure of Change.  It’s about time to embrace that change, and let this new life, this promising new future take hold of us.  The tools and the resources for that change – for the best of the old and the best of the new – are all found on these pages…

Its_About time_tourist_on_earth_2010-03-14_1336
It's About Time graphic by Tony Kovach, photo courtesy of tourist on earth

This woman can’t go back. She can only choose to move ahead.

It’s About Time.#


– submitted by Tony Kovach, editor, www.MHMarketingSalesManagement.com, writer of the Masthead Blog and http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach

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