Test your Accountability

One of the major challenges facing organizations today is to ensure consistent accountability between employee behavior and the organization’s policies, procedures and philosophy. Over the years, I have seen numerous instances where there are rules, standards, expectations and policies that are continuously ignored, sabotaged, and/or broken for ant number of reasons.

As a manager, business owner or executive, ensuring that what you expect is actually happening on a routine basis is often a difficult, yet necessary, task.

Some examples where there is a lack of accountability are:  favored employees, ego-centered management style, inconsistent discipline, expecting behavior without taking the time or effort to inspect that the behavior is actually happening, and an out-of-control arrogance mindset by members of management.

You can’t manage your organization, department or group from behind your desk.  You must circulate, be visible and get to know your people. This takes commitment and time, but I guarantee it will pay positive dividends in the long run.

Perceptions become reality in the minds of employees. It doesn’t matter if what they believe is true or not. If they believe it is true in their minds, then it is true and they will behave accordingly.

One of the best ways to determine the prevailing perceptions and attitudes throughout your organization is to conduct an employee perception and attitude audit. To be truly accurate and effective, I recommend you retain an outside organization to conduct it. It should also be confidential. The employees must feel free to share reality without the fear of retribution or punishment for delivering bad news.

There are three premises for your consideration when it comes to accountability.

One, expecting different results from repeated behavior is a mild form of insanity.

Two, you get the behavior you reward in your organization. If you want to change behavior, you must change the reward system that is in place that is reinforcing or rewarding this behavior.

Three, all culture flows top-down. You can’t change an organization from the bottom-up.

In His service, Tim