Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor 12/15/10

Weekly Quote
“May you live all the days of your life.”
~ Jonathan Swift

Weekly TimBit
We live in stress-filled and fast-paced world. Everyone has more on his/her plate than they can possibly ever finish. Oh yes, all of this stuff may get done – but at what cost? Our minutes and days are filled with details, projects, activities, responsibilities, roles and expectations of others. We rush through our lives at a record pace, leaving broken relationships, unfulfilled dreams and lot’s of disappointments in our wake. Why? Well, it’s in the name of progress, success, have it, do it, learn it, own it, see it all NOW. Well, I have news for you – you will never do it all, see it all, learn it all, or have it all in one lifetime.

So, what’s the answer? Learn to take little breaks during the day, the week, the month and year. I am not talking about formal vacations, or days off. I am referring to mental breaks where you shut everything down – (I mean everything) for a few minutes or a few hours. You just walk away from everything ‘mentally’. You give your mind and your spirit a sorely needed vacation. Whether it is a walk in the park for an hour or locking your office door and meditating or fanaticizing for just a few minutes or turning off your cell phone or computer. You would be amazed at what regular breaks in your routines will do for your energy, resolve, stress, worries, and the need to keep busy every minute of the day.

Question for the week
What’s preventing you from taking mini-breaks?

Recommended reading
Peace of Mind, Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself, Yours truly

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