Warren Buffett’s Rear View Mirror & HUD

SafeTravelAndLifeRequiresProperUseRearSideViewMirrorscops-rear-view-mirror-police-imagecreditQuoteAddict-collagequotebyMHProNews-com-In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett.

We begin our new, periodic Flashback Friday series with some pithy Rearview Mirror quotes and images, starting with the one above that the Sage of Omaha has long applied in discerning where to invest.

Buffett is known to pour over the past and recent history of an operation, in order to decide if and how deeply he wants to invest in it – and that includes operations such as Clayton Homes, or a variety of other suppliers to manufactured and conventional housing. Reading and research guides Buffett’s understanding, as is true with other prudent industry leaders.

Many HR managers similarly agree that an important predictor of future ability is past performance and thinking.


So, the best clues on how Dr. Ben Carson may approach his planned role as HUD Secretary can be found is in his thinking on the Constitution, limited government and how those apply to the $49+ billion-dollar federal housing and FHA lending agency.

Screen capture from the 6 page document by Dr. Carson, linked here. Carson has been named by the Trump transition team as the president-elect’s pick to lead HUD, which is the primary regulatory agency for the HUD Code manufactured housing program. Will Dr. Carson seek to merge, for example, DOE’s energy program back into the HUD supervised manufactured housing program? Will he instruct the MH program to act on the long overlooked and common-sense removable chassis issue? The document download found linked from the image above offers useful clues.


We must ask ourselves: has federal spending created more value than what individuals and families could have achieved if they had the same funds at their disposal? The answer is a resounding, “No.”” – Ben Carson.

As the incoming President-elect Trump’s point-man at HUD, two signals could be taking shape.

  • Donald Trump has mentioned several times overspending on the possible replacement of Air Force One, and overspending on Air Force contracts for the F-35 program, as bloated, wasteful and out of control.
  • Trump himself likes to build on-time, and at or under-budget.
  • Using the Flashback/Rearview Mirror principle – those Trump positions align in a similar manner to Dr. Carson’s principles noted above and in the 6-page download, linked here.


Will an open-minded, goal and solution oriented leader like Carson seek to guide unsubsidized manufactured housing’s federal program in ways that will save taxpayers money while increasing home ownership? See a related report from earlier this year, linked here or from the image below.
Manufactured housing industry professionals know that HUD Code manufactured homes save about 50% less than the cost of conventional construction. MH pros also know how misunderstood the product is. A prudent blend of informed, government-leveraged efforts combined with free market solutions could boost home ownership and lower federal budgets. These would be entirely in keeping with principles advocated by the president-elect and his named leader for HUD Secretary. Click here or image above for the reducing government dependency and spending report.

For a newly updated, in-depth report on the incoming Carson, click the image below or the link here. ##


(Image credits are as shown above.)

(Editor’s note: Soheyla has been an early and consistent supporter of Donald Trump, see link on the Donald J. Trump website here.)

Soheyla Kovach.

By Soheyla Kovach for the Daily Business News on MHProNews.

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