Modular Complex Serves Mentally Ill

A modular affordable housing project for 16 low-income people with mental illnesses will be dedicated Wed., Oct. 9 in Closter, New Jersey, in the far northeastern corner of the state. After seven years and $3.5 million from the state’s special needs housing trust fund and other state sources, the Van Sciver Permanent Supportive Housing Development looks more residential than institutional. Featuring a porous parking lot, as tells MHProNews, the use of sustainable materials like bamboo floors and rapid heating water heaters, the modular building has earned gold LEED-certified rating. The residents of Van Sciver will have to adjust the thermostat, turn off lights and close doors. Says David Griffith, of sponsor Vantage Health Systems, “Building the LEED standard is step one, living the LEED standard is step two.”

(Photo credit: Myles Ma/–modular home for mentally ill)

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