MHI Members Scour Capitol Hill for Support

One of the highlights of the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) Winter Meeting Feb. 9-11 was the day manufactured housing professionals from the entire spectrum of the industry visited Capitol Hill to speak directly with their Congressional representatives. After a breakfast/pep talk with Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY), a member of the House Committee on Financial Services and supporter of HR 1779, MHI members fanned out, seeking support for the industry in nearly 100 meetings with Senate and House members. The Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act, S. 1828, garnered six Senate co-sponsors: Joe Manchin (D-WV), Rand Paul (R-KY), Lamar Alexander (R-KY), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), and Dan Coats (R-IN). understands 108 members of the House have already signed on as co-sponsors of 1779.

Leo Poggione, President of Craftsman Homes said, “It is always more effective if your representatives hear your voice in a face-to-face situation. We are probably in the midst of one of the biggest turning points of our industry in the last 20 years and Hill visits are absolutely vital to our survival as an industry.”

Said Brad Shechtman of AMHC Management: “The most important aspect of our visits to the Hill are the stories we can tell about ordinary folks trying to buy affordable quality homes that our industry offers. It was refreshing to see how the congressional staffers and lawmakers thoroughly enjoyed the education, statistics and information we provided about manufactured housing. When we are successful at painting the picture for our friends on the Hill, it is more likely we can influence policy.” ##

(Image credit: Manufactured Housing Institute)

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