MH Industry Pro Reacts to President Trump’s National Entrepreneurship Month Declaration

BroadComLtCEOHockTanWithPresidentDonaldJTrumpDailyBusinessNewsMHProNewsThe manufactured housing industry, regulated by HUD, is one of the nation’s most entrepreneurial industries, with thousands of smaller businesses,” said Mark Weiss, President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).

The president could truly honor National Entrepreneurship Month by appointing a new administrator for the HUD manufactured housing program, who shares his views on excessive, JOB-KILLING regulation,” Weiss told MHProNews.


Weiss views on the subject of promoting a new replacement for the Obama-era HUD Code program administrator, Pam Danner, are detailed in a statement linked here.

Mark Weiss, President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).

White House Press Room to the Daily Business News

President Donald J. Trump signed a proclamation designating November as National Entrepreneurship Month, emphasizing the importance of an economic and regulatory environment that enables businesses to thrive and inspires the proliferation of entrepreneurs,” the presidential press office told MHProNews.

The Unified Framework for Tax Reform, supported by President Trump, directly reflects these goals by promoting an economic environment in which American companies are motivated to reinvest their overseas wealth back home, new companies and businesses are attracted to our markets, and hardworking Americans keep more of their money in their pockets,” the release stated.

The new tax code will be simple, fair, and easy to understand and, most importantly, it will put America and its entrepreneurs first,” per the Oval Office’s statement.

The president has said that it is time to end the self-destructive policies that have harmed the U.S.  The video above, provided by the White House, shares their principles in tax reforms.

“The company credits the GOP plan with making it easier to do business in the U.S. “America is once again the best place to lead a business with a global footprint,” Broadcom CEO Hock Tan said.” per ABC News.

To further underscore the president’s messages, an announcement was made of a once American company, that left and is now coming back. Broadcom Limited – had moved to Singapore, and will now legally relocate to Delaware, bringing $20 billion in annual revenue to the U.S., per Tan and the Oval office.

Tan tells his compelling success story in the video below.  “We are making America home again,” Tan stated.

The new tax code passage could cause trillions parked overseas to come to the U.S.

All of these are positive economic steps that should prove useful to the housing industry in general, and manufactured home producers, retailers and communities as well.  As the Daily Business News has noted for years, publicly traded companies routinely point to economic conditions as being a factor in promoting higher sales totals. © ## (News, analysis, commentary.)

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SoheylaKovachManufacturedHomeLivingNewsManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News on


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