Fires, Tornadoes, Death Facts, Hype & Other Causes of Mortality

FireFiremanFireHosePhotoPixabayMobileManufacturedHomeDailyBusinessNewsMHProNewsFires out west are currently in the news.

But local, regional, and national media often spotlight deaths from tornadoes, which also includes deaths of those living in a pre-HUD Code mobile home or post-June 15, 1976 federal manufactured home standards.

Yet far more people die in fires every year than die because of a tornado.

Per the research done by U.S. Fire Administration/FEMA, in 2015, the total number of fire deaths was 3,362.



As the story linked above reveals, when a fire death occurs, it often is in a true mobile home. The local fire chief provided on-the-record comments used in the article linked above. 
More conventional housing burns, and more die in those homes than in HUD Code manufactured homes. Also, fire deaths dwarf the loss of lie in a tornado. 

Contrast that with the 36 total deaths that same year in tornadoes, per the National Weather Service (NWS) Storm Prediction Center in Norman OK, and the

The popular, instructive video above can be found on public-focused MHLivingNews at several places, including this link here.

Just the Facts — Tips to Managers, Front Line MH Sellers

As MHLivingNews has previously reported, HUD Code manufactured homes are safer against fires than conventional housing (see reports linked from the graphics, above).

The federal HUD Code reversed the trend of higher deaths tolls found in pre-HUD Code mobile homes compared to conventional housing.

Statistics reflect that fire safety is improving. But it is still a far greater risk to life than tornado deaths.

We teach industry clients we coach to make comparisons that the public can relate to easily,” said consultant and MHProNews/MHLivingNews publisher, L. A. “Tony” Kovach. “There’s 93 times more risk of dying of a fire in any kind of housing, than there is of dying from a tornado in any kind of housing.”


Kovach said that one must keep in mind the common newsroom mantra, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Not always, but often, hype and headlines go hand-in-hand.

While every avoidable death is tragic, the facts reveal that very few die in tornadoes. An eye-opening expose on how tornado researchers are miss-reporting facts is found by clicking this link here, or click the graphic above.
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach addressing industry professionals in an educational session.

We hear from our clients and readers that when a prospect with specific concerns raise a topic, showing them an article/video on MHLivingNews can often make the difference,” Kovach said.

MHLivingNewsMHProNewsMHMarketingSalesManagementLogoSolutionsManufacturedHousingIndustryMarketinSalesManagementConsultingExpertWitnessServicesAs community co-owner Tom Fath has said, it’s because it is third-party. Prospects understandably relate differently to media – including trade media, such as MHLivingNews – than they do to information that is created by the seller.

Studies have suggested that Fath’s point is accurate.  One study indicated that people are 7 to 8 times more likely to believe a media resource, than if a seller’s created and shared that information. ## (News, marketing/sales tips, analysis.)

(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)

SoheylaKovachManufacturedHomeLivingNewsManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News on

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