Modular Homes Challenged in Cape Coral, Florida

modular  credit  veterans housingA group opposing modular homes in Cape Coral, Florida, intends to state its opposition at the city council meeting, according to what fort-myers-beach-observer tells MHProNews, alleging that the lower cost and energy efficient homes will reduce the value of neighboring homes. Council member Richard Leon wants the state to allow local jurisdictions to zone modular homes the same as manufactured homes.

Gold Key Homes of America owner/president Patrick Hutton says their concerns are not accurate, noting he has built 2,000 modular homes in the Cape area over the last 21 years.

The opposition began with the siting of a 1,700 square-foot modular home on Kismet Ave. which is wind rated at 180 mph, and sold for $215,000, says Hutton, noting it is stronger than other nearby houses. Hutton said, “I did some research and I found the builders and the Realtors who represent the builders are behind the opposition. I say let them try (to ban) and they will face a lawsuit like no tomorrow. These houses are built better with better material and more efficient.

While the opposition maintains the homes are not built on-site or even in-state, Hutton replies he buys the homes from a company in Cape Coral. “I think someone went by the site and saw the home delivered on a flatbed truck,” said Hutton. “That’s where it started.

Department of Community Development director Vince Cautero says modular homes have been around many years and are allowed by city code. “This is not a new regulation that we changed,” said Cautero. “As long as they are built to all construction and hurricane codes the only thing that can be done is to change the permit ordinance, but they are approved by the State of Florida.##

(Photo credit: gainesville–modular home)

matthew-silver-daily-business-news-mhpronews-comArticle submitted by Matthew J. Silver to Daily Business News-MHProNews.

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