Manufactured Housing Professionalism – No Sacred Cows

Stating the obvious can bring clarity. Industries are made up of companies, organizations. Organizations are made up of people. What each person does, matters. Professionalism is thus at the heart of advancing a person, location, organization or an entire industry.

From the outset, what we now call has been focused on improving professional performance. The original name of our website, which we still use to this day, is, aka (or now When Marketing, Sales and Management are done correctly, a person, company or industry advances.

The reverse is also true.

Positive Change

Change is often resisted or misunderstood. Those who work for change – and we are self-professed agents for Positive Change – have to be tenacious. If it is worth working for, agents for positive change have to have the Winston Churchill attitude of never, never, never give up.


About 5 years ago, we were given this power point, that you can get today as a download. It was supplied by the MHAO, which we hereby acknowledge and thank. It is the work of the company that made it, Southeastern Training and Development, and shared here through the generosity of the association (you can download the PDF of the powerpoint for free by clicking the linked image above or here).

Teamwork works. Education works. Professional and organizational improvement yields Industry Improvement too.

And that could nicely sum up the concept of Partners in Manufactured Housing Progress.


A Coalition Geared for Growing Success

We are building a coalition of companies that are dedicated to growing the MH Industry by growing professionals and their careers. The more successful the person, the better that location or company should be. The more we can showcase that professional or company for the public to see, the better they do the better the Industry performs too.

On we have shown for two years what manufactured housing done right looks like. Page views – a great barometer of interest – shot up dramatically in April to a new record level. May has already eclipsed April. The public seems to be responding nicely to the site.

What is also interesting is that those locations we are reporting on at are experiencing improved results in the wake of the videos and stories we produce there. Coincidence? We provide, you decide.

June 2015

In the rapidly approaching June 2015 issue’s Featured Articles, we will showcase a variety of videos, columns and more that are each designed to enhance professional performance.

You are able to read these articles and the public is able to see the growing body of pro-Manufactured Housing “Inside MH” Interviews, articles and more because of the support of some companies or individuals. We find that those who support us, tend to benefit. Those who read our articles and videos benefit too.

Join us.

Read the articles linked below.

John Bostick – Open Letter to the MH Industry

Tom Fath – To the Game Changers

MH Alliance – Partners in Progress

Not everyone can or will become a Partner in Manufactured Housing Progress. We are looking for those forward thinkers and doers. Is that you? Is that your operation?

With some 20 million new housing units needed in the U.S. by 2030, with incomes down from 6 years ago, and with all that Manufactured Housing done right is able to do, the investment here and at of Time, Talent and Treasure will raise all boats involved.

The more involved, the more your boat will tend to be raised. That’s a mutual victory. That’s win-win thinking. That’s how we return to new heights and discover new levels of success in modern manufactured housing. The only sacred cow is success via improved results. ##

By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.