Improve our Industry’s Image the easy way by Sharing the Facts!

Let's keep this short and sweet. Do you think our industry's image can improve? You do…I think so too! One of the many false 'tags' on our industry has to do with the myth that we blow away with the first big wind.

That is a myth that is far from the truth, as the video linked below PROVES.


The pace of views on this video, which has been online or about a year, is heating up in the last 2 months! It is already one of the top manufactured housing informational videos online, and with good reason.

Take 2 and do this,

  • share the link of this video with everyone you know in the manufactured housing industry. They need to know the facts as much or more as the general public does.
  • Then, share the link to the page with the video with everyone else!


How many hundreds of thousands of more people would be considering a manufactured home if they didn't have this false narrative in their heads about our homes blowing away at the first puff of air?

There is NOTHING more powerful than SEEING WITH YOUR OWN EYES the truth.

The facts on the video ought to be memorized by any manufactured housing pro.

Sharing is how we can make this old myth die, and when that myth dies the quality and quantity of your prospects at communities and sales centers will go up. Fight the myths by sharing the facts. It is just that simple.

Now, just do it. ##

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for September and see the other new stories at too.

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | |
Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C
Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090 

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